Your Holy Family

Family Fun Days

Reclaiming the Lord’s Day, we provide families a way to come together for Faith, Fun, and Fellowship.

What better way to reclaim the Lord’s day than by spending it with families of faith.


A Family Fun Day is an opportunity to take a half day to rest from our busy schedules. The daystarts with a potluck for fellowship, followed by faith formation for parents, while the teens and young adults play sports, cards, and board games with the younger kids.

The middle of the afternoon is devoted to a family activity related to the topic of the family fun day talks. Next, the parents play with their kids and the teens will have there own faith formation time and we conclude the event honoring our Blessed Mother by praying a family rosary.  The Family Fun Day is an occasion to show your family that you value being with them above all the other commitments that we have throughout the week.

An important part of the Family Fun Day is nurturing our relationship with our teens, since this can be challenging if we have teens and younger children, we highly recommend participation in the Teen Shenanigans program.

Download the Family Fun Day Brochure 

The Problem

Families today are struggling to keep connected to each other.  School, work, sports, even church activities compete for our time and many times the family suffers.  Too often families can’t even find time to eat even one meal together during the week.

The Solution

We as parents must be intentional about spending time with our children, nurturing those relationships before it is too late.  If we don’t spend time with our children when they are young, when they reach adolescence (the teen years), they will turn to others in times of need instead of their parents.  The societal structures today tend to break families apart instead of supporting healthy family relationships.

What We Offer

The Family Fun Day was created to assist families to nurture healthy relationships between parents and their children and between siblings.  We do this by sharing a potluck meal, listening to talks on topics related to family life, a family activity, family games and sports and a family rosary. But we all know that our Teens need extra time, they are such an important part of our family that we offer a program called Teen Shenanigans, which is a unique opportunity for parents and their teens to come together the Saturday evening before the Family Fun Day to share some food, play some games and listen to a short talk targeted towards the teens on the topic of the Family Fun Day.

Family Fun Day Topics

  • Setting Family Priorities
  • Honor thy Father and Mother
  • Teaching your children the Faith
  • Raising Pure Children
  • Keeping your Kids Catholic
  • Family Holiness
  • Family Prayer
  • Teamwork within the Family
  • Respect

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